
‘Tis the season. No, not yet of Christmas but of a new generation of drivers. As frantic new drivers take to Fairfield’s streets, there are some rules of the road that are neglected here at Warde: our Hallway Traffic Laws. Alright so maybe the Freshman are new, but no matter […]

Havoc in the Halls

Photo Creds: Abby Jacobs
On Wednesday, October 16th, Warde underclassmen and juniors took the PSAT; The Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test. 9th and 10th graders take it to practice for the SAT, and the 11th graders go through for the practice too, as well as a chance for a scholarship. There are some differences between […]

Advice For Students Taking PSAT

When walking the halls of Warde, it is not uncommon to hear glorious singing from the choir room, triumphant playing from the band room, and the soothing sound of the orchestra nearby. But what’s new? Warde has faced many alterations to it’s beloved music department this school year, giving all […]

Music Department Restructured

Photo Creds" Pandora Kerma
Since Mr. Ebling’s retirement this past spring, Warde has welcomed Mr. Paul Cavanna as the new Headmaster. Starting this fall, he came from teaching social studies at West Haven high school for 10 years. During his time in West Haven, he primarily taught the ninth grade, and was a team […]

Introducing Mr. Cavanna

We’ve just entered the third term of the school year, wrapping up the first half year courses from term one and two. One of these courses included Acting, most commonly populated by the class of 2019. Members of this class have been part of many theater productions here at Warde, […]

The End Of An Acting Era

Another musical production is heading to Warde this coming spring. Mr. Frattaroli is directing the comedy City of Angels, written by Larry Gelbart, and unites various art departments around the school to help contribute to the making. Preparation and enthusiasm from the students and teachers involved are already in the […]

School Musical: City of Angels

This past year, there has been much controversy within the Warde community over courses and their GPA weightings for future years. On January 22, 2019, an email was sent out regarding the administration’s plan for GPA weighting changes and course name updates. The message highlights five main themes among comments […]

New GPA and Course Names

This past month, Warde TV featured a story on the new Innovation Lab, a converted computer lab in Fitts House. The idea for the new room came from Dr. Toni Jones, current Superintendent, and is rooted in the “Vision of A Graduate” movement, specifically the “Innovative Learning Initiative,” hence the […]

The Innovation Lab

By: Luis Leon   Intensity of verbal combat between the Warde Mustangs and rivalry schools heated off within the last two months in the CDA debate competitions. On November 10th and December 8th, the debate team headed off against matches that discussed philosophical and political questions. Questions which required analytical […]

Warde’s Debate Team Fires Up In Tournament

  It is a common misconception among Fairfield Warde High School students that “only Fairfield Woods Middle School has tunnels in its basement,” and, “The Warde Tunnels are just an urban myth.” As of today, everyone’s going to know the truth. In early October, I was asked by the advisor […]

The Warde Catacombs