It’s Never to Late to Change: Halloween Costumes I DONT Want to See This Year

Happy Halloween, Warde! Tired of seeing the same stale costumes haunting every party? Me too. Here’s my hit list of Halloween’s most worn-out costumes—and why it’s time to lay them to rest. And if you’ve got any of these on your list, do yourself(and me) a favor and burn it.


  1. Ghostface

Ghostface is a Halloween classic, but it’s long overdue for retirement. Every year, I see it over and over, and it never changes. Don’t get me wrong; sometimes effortless costumes can be cool, but Ghostface isn’t one of them. If you’re set on horror, there are so many other characters to choose from. My assessment? Overused. Predictable. Boring.




2.  Purge

Just like Ghostface, this one’s played out, especially in groups. Anytime I search for costume ideas, “The Purge” is always there. It’s practically a default for groups of friends, especially girls, but it doesn’t even look fun. It’s just a mask thrown on top of whatever you’re already wearing. If you’re going with the random-mask-and-outfit combo, at least make it interesting. Be something you actually like.



3. Masks Instead of Makeup

This isn’t necessarily a halloween costume, but it has the same significance. People that wear masks instead of doing makeup are extremely lame. It is more fun and more on brand to be doing extra, funky makeup for something like Pennywise or Jigsaw rather than simply getting a cheap mask. Even if you’re a guy, it’s still fun. It’s a holiday, an experience—live a little. 



4. Solid Colored Full Bodysuits


This one checks every box for boring. I get that it’s easy and quick, but Halloween should be about finding a costume you’re excited to put together, maybe even making it yourself. This look was fine when we were kids and everything Party City ad captivated us, but now we’re old enough to make real costume choices. Why go with a full blue bodysuit when there are so many other options out there



5. Cats

I actually don’t mind this one as much. The only issue I have with it is it’s always a hit-or-miss. Either, you look really good and the costume is fun or interesting, or it looks basic and boring. I think a lot of people can pull it off well, but a lot of people also do not. Those times, it comes off as lazy or unimaginative. Though, I’ll give it credit for being a quick and easy option when necessary. 


6. Non-biblically accurate Joan of Arc

I don’t have a problem with people dressing as a soldier or warrior—go for it! But when it’s supposed to be a specific person, like Joan of Arc, it can feel a bit off. Joan of Arc was a real person with real history, so it’s odd when I see her turned into just a generic Halloween costume. Unless it’s done well, like how Chappell Roan portrayed her, this look can easily come across as disrespectful. If you want to be a medieval warrior or something, go for it. Just maybe don’t call it Joan of Arc.


7. Cops and/or Robbers

I’m tired of seeing this overused theme done time and time again in the same way each time. We’ve all been one or the other at some point, but it’s time to move on. There are so many great costume ideas out there, and Halloween is the perfect chance to get creative. If you want to go as a specific cop or criminal character, that’s one thing, but the basic “cop and robber” duo is just kind of… boring







8. Jeffrey Dahmer or the Menendez Brothers or Any Other Strange and Controversial Real Person

It’s not even Halloween yet and I’ve already seen odd costumes of real life people. There’s a difference between doing something like an actor or singer or character you might find interesting and real people. Anytime I see someone dressed as a real serial killer I lose some hope for the world. As for the Menendez brothers, regardless of what you think about the show and case, it’s still odd to dress up as them. They were real people with real events so it’s jarring to see someone be them for Halloween. This goes for any other figure like this. A week before Halloween and I’ve already seen P. Diddy as a costume. I just find it bizarre to choose, out of anything you could be, to be one of these types of costumes. 


Honorable Mention: A Halloween Costume I DO want to see this year:

Inflatable costumes are always a win. Whether it’s a T. rex or something totally random, these costumes are hilarious. Last year, I saw someone in a giant Garfield suit, and it made my day. Whoever you are, I hope you come back again this year!

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