Rate my…Student?

With the new school year comes changes, and this one has rocked Warde to its core. No, not the stricter hall pass legislation—something far more sinister: ratemystudents.com.


You’ve heard of the infamous ratemyteachers.com. Well, this is its student counterpart. Usage skyrocketed once class lists were published. The site features a forum for teachers to post comments and questions about students, with responses ranging from “Does anyone even like the whole phone tree thing?” to “Who is [REDACTED] and why did my colleague run away when I mentioned their name?” (The chilling response: “Good luck.”)


The site also includes numerical ratings, which haven’t been spectacular for Warde students. Teachers grade on multiple criteria, from participation to work completion. One victim confessed her shame over her low ranking, insisting, “It’s only that low because I never laughed at their jokes. I got an A in the class, but he just wasn’t funny!”


Warde teachers, however, are thrilled. “I love getting a sense of my students before I meet them,” gushed one social studies teacher. “It takes away the unknown and puts me at ease.”


Mr. O’Brien—an AP European History and Global Studies teacher— was more candid: “It’s probably a little immoral, but I don’t care. They’ve been doing it to us for years. Am I the villain for wanting revenge? I think not.”


As this fledgling website takes flight, only time will tell how it fares—and who will have the last laugh.

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