
Fairfield Warde High School, it’s that time of year. The leaves have descended from the branches, peppermint has replaced pumpkin spice, football has replaced studying, and Noah Kahan has infected the radio. Fall’s denouement has arrived and with that, the season of winter has begun. Winter is a very conflicting season for most residents of New England (let alone Connecticut), as the cold temperatures can be unattractive, and pulling out the countless hats and gloves for the seasonal fits can be burdensome and tiring. Of course, many pros come with this season: those being the pristine snow, ski trips up north, Mariah Carey, and, of course, ice skating. Whether done once at a birthday party, or only watched at the Winter Olympics, ice skating is a quintessential part of New England winter. 


The perfect mix of fun and skill, this slippery pastime is one for the ages. With a skill level that can be as relaxed as a birthday bowling party and as serious as an NHL player, all people young and old enjoy the simple pleasure of coasting around a rink, having the occasional slip, and the inevitable laugh.


Why do I dwell so long on this subject you may ask? Well, if this description of skating sounds like the perfect winter activity to you, you’re in luck! With the temperatures dropping below 32℉ (or 273.15K if AP Chem has you in a tizzy), the Warde Pool is testing out a venture never seen before! As the water freezes over, the lanes will become open to the public, allowing for an afterschool free skate on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays! Holding a maximum capacity of 540 students, you better get there quickly, as skates are in short supply and our budget is running up a deficit.


After a brief discussion with Paul Canava about the new investment, the school principal believes this addition to the already allusive pool will bring awareness to not only Warde’s state championship ice skating team, but will also prove to the board of ed that our Football team is not the best representation of our school’s athletic ability.


Just hearing that all makes me want to tie up my laces and head out for a spin! I simply must try out that new move I’ve been practicing. Hopefully you feel the same and will join me on the roof this week for a skate at the pool! Remember, however, if you wish to attend, you must be carrying a hall pass, or else you will in fact be subjected to a Saturday detention (rules are rules, sorry)


Catch ya’ out there!


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