As the school year stretches into November, a variety of emotions course through Fairfield Warde High School. I mean, who anticipates coming back to school, where the assignments get harder, and the homework piles? Who doesn’t want summer to be all year long? There’s nothing better than spending days leisurely on the beach with your friends. However, summer can get boring when nothing is planned. During those hot days, most people aren’t as productive as usual. Getting out of bed at the crack of dawn and sitting through lectures is tough. For this reason, I decided that during the first few weeks of school, I would ask Warde students the big question: What are the positives and negatives of starting the school year?
Elizabeth Lake (Class of 2025)
“In my opinion, a positive of the start of the school year is having a well-structured schedule to follow. I believe that going to school and having sports is a nice thing to have, instead of being bored. However, getting all the work is very stressful and also having to sit through classes that may not be entirely what I enjoy.”
Anya Honohan (Class of 2026)
“As a freshman, I found that there are an equal amount of negatives and positives when starting at a new school. I was really scared of meeting new people and teachers. I was scared that I wouldn’t fit in at the school and it would be obvious. I was scared about not being able to keep up and understand my classes. But some positives are that I have made some friends, especially having friends that are in my position.”
Paige Desantis (Class of 2025)
“For me, I like having a structured schedule because I feel as if I thrive when I am busy, which certainly is a positive in my opinion. Additionally, I like seeing friends in classes, trying new things, including clubs, and branching out with sports teams and activities. A negative thing is that I feel very overwhelmed with the workload, and sometimes some of the social struggles I face are difficult. Lastly, I feel like I procrastinate with the amount of homework I have to do each night, which affects my free time.”
Josh Weinstein (Class of 2023)
“I think the positives of starting the school year are getting to see your friends every day, starting brand new subjects you’ve never learned about before, and getting one year closer to graduating. The negatives of starting the school year are that you can’t sleep in anymore, you have much less free time, and you may be more stressed out because of that.”
Lilly Morgan (Class of 2025)
“A positive is getting back into the beginning of the school year, like being able to plan out my days, get up, go to school, do homework, and practice. Some negatives would be having to wake up early, having to go to bed early, and overall just having homework.”
Grace Farrell (Class of 2024)
“Some positives are seeing my school friends, getting new clothes and shoes, football games, volleyball season and/or just fall sports in general. However, the cons of starting the school year are school work, staying up late to finish homework, and stress.”
Evan Zakim (Class of 2025)
“I love seeing my friends each day at school. Also, it is nice not having to wear a mask throughout the day. Additionally, homeroom is so much fun because it gives me a break in the middle of the day while also seeing my friends there, as well. One negative is that my classes are very hard, in the way that I am not determined to finish work.”
Ultimately, hearing students’ opinions about the positives and negatives of starting the school year can be a source from which others can relate, and can relieve stress. Always know that good and bad things come together, and if you have a balanced schedule, you’ll have an easier and more positive period of adjustment.