For a school year full of changes here at Fairfield Warde, one thing has remained constant, inspiring our staff and showing strength for our students: that traffic cone on the solar panels.
Despite rain, snow, ice, and wind, that little orange cone has avoided sliding off the angled panels near the grass football fields.
“It inspires me every day. If that cone can hang in there, so can I,” senior Ethan Larkin told the Focus.
Some Warde students may never have noticed the orange cone barely hanging on to the solar panel above our parking lot, but others hail it as a symbol of the student body.
“It’s perfect, really. I mean, the administration introduced that mildly unsettling safety cone with the sunglasses earlier this year for the new security measures, and now we have that mascot in real life,” said English teacher Mr. McGarry. “It’s still here, after all this time… and I’m still here, somehow,” he said through gritted teeth. “Just barely hanging on… ha! We’re so alike.” Mr. McGarry was unable to give further comment, as the interviewer for the Focus ran out of the room.
Further investigation is underway by Focus staff to see if this cone has any relation to the safety cone inspiring Warde students to think before they act inside the building, but family lineage trees have thus far been unable to answer any questions. Until that knowledge is found, students are encouraged to be inspired by the cone, but from a safe distance.
One cannot help but wonder how the cone got up there. Perhaps it was being used to remind the construction workers who assembled the solar panels that there was an edge. Or maybe one worker just wanted some company. Whatever the case, that little orange cone is hanging on, an embodiment of many seniors here at Warde.
“That cone better not fall. It’s just so me, you know? If it lets go, I don’t think I’ll be able to come to school anymore,” said senior Emily Green. “If that little guy can hang on for all this time, then I can keep showing up to physics class.”