How Are Students Being Affected by Hybrid Learning?

2020 has been quite the year, with education especially. 

Students went from going to school everyday to not going to school for months, and now only going to school a few times a week.  Hybrid learning has been an experience for everyone involved.  

Many parents have been interested in learning about how hybrid learning is affecting their children. They have also been trying to come up with ways to be effective when learning online at home and how teachers can keep their students more engaged.  

The biggest factor that has affected students is that they have to stare at computer screens for six hours whether they are in school or at home.  Students have said that it is hard to stay focused, have caused them to get burned out emotionally and physically.  

“Hybrid learning has affected me physically and mentally,” said Emma Kelly, a senior at Warde. “I have an eye condition which causes me to have migraines so being on a computer for four classes and then spending three to five hours after school doing work is frying my brain.” 

Many students agree with Emma that hybrid learning has affected them physically and mentally.  Most students say it has also affected them socially.  Not being able to always see their friends in school, or see them at all in school.  For freshmen, it’s hard because they are having more trouble making friends and meeting new people.  Freshman are also not sure how to go about creating connections with their teachers, and it’s taking them longer to get used to the school only going in twice a week.  

“Hybrid learning has been a little bit of both good and bad,” said Riley Horwitz, a freshman at Warde. “It has been good because on the days when I go into school if I am struggling on something or I need help I can ask the teacher and I can get a little more help then I could if the whole class was there. However, it is also bad because teachers post something new everyday and being on a computer screen you get less attention.” 

Just like Riley, some students are overwhelmed with the change COVID 19 has brought to their education.  They seem to be having more trouble keeping up, sitting at a computer for hours, and wearing a mask all day.  Fortunately, many teachers are understanding and helpful.  They are also dealing with the pressures of COVID 19 and want what’s best for their students.  They want to help them and support them in any way they can.  

But unfortunately, many students feel as though when online that they are forgotten by their teachers.  

“Many of my teachers keep us on the Google Meet the entire period,” said Gianna Pulito, a senior at Warde. “[They] just talk the entire time which gets super boring and I want to be able to go on the meet for instructions then leave to go do my work for the period.” 

Students have suggested this to teachers and some teachers have followed through with the suggestion.  Some teachers have even decided to record their lectures and have students listen to them on their own time.  But even with this, students are still not always engaged.  Many students would prefer online projects or more engaging assignments especially when at home.  There are so many opportunities to make this terrible experience of a pandemic more enjoyable for students.  

But, students must also take the initiative to put all distractions away and get their school work done.  Especially at home, it is easy to get distracted.  Parents and students have suggested that students create a schedule for themselves.  This will not only help students to get their work done on time, but it will teach them to manage their time wisely.  With lots of time at home, it is important to learn to manage time wisely instead of just sitting around.  Sitting around for ten minute breaks between work can be beneficial as long as students can manage to refocus afterwards.  

“Hybrid learning has been pretty good,” said Adam Horwitz, a freshman at Warde. “Sometimes it gets chaotic, but it’s nice to see your teachers and friends every couple of days.”

Hybrid learning is something that is going to take all students, teachers, and parents time to adjust to.  As a community at Warde, everyone has agreed to do so together.  

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