Music Department Restructured

Chamber Choir Fall Concert

When walking the halls of Warde, it is not uncommon to hear glorious singing from the choir room, triumphant playing from the band room, and the soothing sound of the orchestra nearby. But what’s new? Warde has faced many alterations to it’s beloved music department this school year, giving all musicians new opportunities to thrive.


A large piece of this change is the addition of  new ensembles. The band has added a third group to the mix: Symphonic Band. Freshman and other beginner players find themselves in Concert Band, and upper level players tackle Wind Ensemble, but Symphonic Band has been added for musicians whose level is more in the middle of these two. 


The Choir Department, however, has added another ensemble on top of its other three, making it the most advanced group; called Bel Canto. It is made up entirely of treble (alto and soprano) voices. Since many more girls are inclined to do choir than boys, this fourth group was established to account for the uneven amount of boys and girls in the department. Along with the other concert level groups, Concert Choir is for freshman and beginners, Treble Choir is for intermediate level female voices, Chamber Choir is the co-ed advanced level group, and Bel Canto is an invitation to audition only. 


The good ole orchestra has remained the same. Concert Orchestra is for freshman and beginners, while more advanced players may be accepted into Symphonic Orchestra, a group deemed, “not for the faint of heart,” states orchestra director Kathy Conner. 


To make things even more interesting this year, a whole new leadership system has been implemented department-wide. In all nine ensembles, every musician has had the opportunity to apply for various leadership roles to help uplift their group. Roles range from musical ones, like section leader, set-up manager, and even Carillon map creators. But whatever you are, everyone in class has a job intricate to the system, and every student has an opportunity to shine in a new way and show their dedication to music. The leadership roles help class run smoother and they give students the chance to take ownership of what they love to do.


Every ensemble holds exciting opportunities and experiences for every student, whether it be teaching a new singer the basics, or challenging  the most experienced player. No matter who you are, there’s a place for you somewhere in the Warde Music Department.

Bel Canto Dress Rehearsal

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