The 2016 election season is best summed up in one word: unprecedented. A political outsider running against a woman, both of which had once seemed unfathomable, quickly became the reality of the past 24 months. The candidates disputed tough issues including immigration, ISIS, global warming, gender equality, and the economy. The stark contrast between the two candidates illuminated the wide range of perspectives of the American people. While Hillary Clinton ran her campaign on a platform of equality and being “stronger together”, Trump was able to appeal to a broken middle class that feels cheated by the status quo. Americans casted their votes on November 8th, electing Donald Trump to be the 45th president of the United States, despite Hillary Clinton winning the popular vote. The Focus interviewed Warde students to get their perspective on the election and its results:
“Personally, I’m disappointed that Trump won. At first I supported him as a joke, however the realization that he could potentially become the leader of our nation quickly changed my opinion. Four years is a large price to pay for the amusement that Trump once provided.” -Sohan Choudhury, ‘17
“I was somewhat surprised that he won, although I did expect a sort of “brexit effect”. It took a few days for me to actually accept he’s going to be president. In the end, I feel his cabinet is going to do much more harm than Trump himself.” -Dheraj Ganjikunta, ‘18
“I’m truly disgusted by the result of this election. I understand America wanted a change of pace from the past eight years, but allowing hate, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny and overall bigotry to win in order for that to happen is absolutely unacceptable. Trump’s win is enabling hate crimes to rise already, and as a minority, I feel threatened. I’m scared for my future, along with the future of many others, and above all, I will not stand for hate and bigotry to spread any further than it already has.” -Jay Verchin, ‘17
“Although I’m disappointed with the results of the election, we owe it to Trump to at least give him some sort of a chance” -Kate McManus, ‘17
“To be honest, the results were a giant joke. I thought it was hilarious. Didn’t expect Trump to win, but hey I mean I’m happy. It was also very funny watching all the Hillary supporters cry and act like the world is over.” -Elias Weglarz, ‘17
“I was disappointed that we were unable to elect our first female president. However, we have to to move forward together as a nation” -Natalia Zhiltsova, ‘17
“Truthfully, I was kind of expecting Trump’s win. While he is the first to have been elected without military or political experience, he was able to use his business expertise on the campaign trail. As a businessman, strategy is crucial to success and Trump secured his success by campaigning wherever Hillary was not. Hillary focused mostly on wealthy urban areas and didn’t visit some of the more rural areas which she thought she was guaranteed. The places, Hillary didn’t visit, Trump went and his strategy seemed to pay off in the results of the election.” -Mohith Mothukuri, ‘18
“I’ve never been so upset to be so right. I truly hope Trump can be a good president, but I’m skeptical to say the least.” -Max Lee, ‘17
“So I was really angry and scared…I’m a part of the lgbtq+ community, which is directly threatened by the election of Trump/Pence, so I’m concerned for my safety and the safety of my friends, and that’s not even counting their racism, islamophobia, and misogyny. Their platform is basically hatred cloaked in making America great again, but all they’re doing is reinforcing the values that marginalize anyone who isn’t like them. It’s scary stuff.” -Jules Greenop, ‘17
“To me, this election has brought to the forefront the ever-growing polarization of the American people. Despite these differences, post election events present the beginning of a unique period in the history of this nation. Americans have been given an opportunity to use this controversy as a platform for change. I truly hope that those who have been so passionate on both sides of the aisle can use that vigor to help rebuild a cohesive representative government. This election will not, and cannot, be the end of the world, but rather the catalyst for its betterment.” -Cameron Luther, ‘17