ADL-No Place for Hate Assembly

Last week from October 25th to October 28th, Warde students facilitated No Place for Hate assemblies designed by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)  in an effort to help Warde become a No Place for Hate school. In the Learning Commons, students gathered to hear about this important mission. The Anti-Defamation League is an international organization with goals to elevate respectfulness and safe, unprejudiced, and welcoming communities. They promote values such as acceptance, equity, and equality. The ADL program Warde fascilitated is very important because it will help schools grow and become equitable and respectful. During the presentation, students intently listened to the important information that was being presented. In groups of four, students shared and discussed what they thought a respectful school looked like, and what programs and initiatives can be implemented into schools to make them more respectful. The students also discussed what makes a school disrespectful, and they identified factors that should not be present in a respectful school. This presentation was run by student volunteer speakers that led discussions and opened the floor for the audience to share ideas. As the presentation neared the end, brightly-colored note cards were passed out to students for them to write down when someone was being respectful to them and to describe the event. There are decorated boxes placed around the school, and in each house office for students to place these cards in, and later they may be displayed around the school. This assembly provided a space for students to further their understanding of how to create and foster a welcoming environment within Warde, and to learn more about the Anti-Defamation League, and the No Place for Hate program. 

The ADL’s website outlines many important resources for education, getting involved, reporting incidents, and more that are easily accessible. The ADL has many programs about preventing bullying, providing information on cyberbullying as well as a holocaust education program, and a program dedicated to fighting antisemitism, which is escalating in US currently at a rate higher than ever recorded. In fact, an NPR report published in a news article on Tuesday, October 26th says that 1 in 4 Jews experience antisemitism. Putting a stop to antisemitism is one of the ADL’s main goals besides creating equal and respectful school communities. To donate, visit, and also check out their numerous programs and resources. 

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