Monthly Archives: October 2018

This year, the Chinese and Business Departments will be hosting a trip to China over April break in 2019. Starting April 11, 2019, the group will leave from New York City and arrive in Beijing. Over the week, they will be able to visit Beijing, Xi’an, Chengdu, and Shanghai. The […]

Plans Made for Warde 2019 China Trip

The seemingly impending doom, or triumph, of college application deadlines, is right around the corner. To many, this seems like a cornerstone in life, one that dictates future happiness. This medieval perception that happiness, wealth, and sanctity, can only be achieved at the top schools is terrifyingly flawed. Life is […]

Perspective: The College Process

Good Morning Fairfield Warde! Here’s Isaac Liu and Lulu Diaz, this year’s anchors for Warde TV! Liu and Diaz are seniors this year, and sat down to talk about their experience so far.   Why did you want to be the anchors for Warde TV? Why together? Liu: I could […]

Warde TV’s New Anchors

Classmates of sophomore Christian Murphy observed this past week that he appears to be taking gym class way too seriously. “I mean, it’s like he thinks its the Olympics or something. And he’s average at best anyway,” says classmate Elizabeth. Murphy yelled about rules, celebrated obnoxiously whenever he scored, and […]

Local Teen a Little Too Hype for Gym Class