Abby Jacobs

It is often said that theater creates a community for those involved, and speaking with the cast of The Children’s Hour, it is evident that this production was no exception. On November 22, 23, and 24, 2019, Warde’s Drama Club, directed by Mr. Frattaroli, put on a production of The […]

The Children’s Hour

Photo Creds" Pandora Kerma
Since Mr. Ebling’s retirement this past spring, Warde has welcomed Mr. Paul Cavanna as the new Headmaster. Starting this fall, he came from teaching social studies at West Haven high school for 10 years. During his time in West Haven, he primarily taught the ninth grade, and was a team […]

Introducing Mr. Cavanna

The Focus staff has just received word that the Music Department has returned from their trip to Disney World in Orlando, Florida without one of their students. This past month, the Warde Music Department took a trip to Disney, where they performed at three different concerts, did workshops with Disney […]

Warde Student Abducted By Mickey Mouse

Since late November of 2018, the weather in Fairfield has been a series of extreme ups and downs. For the first time in a while, when Warde students say that it’s freezing outside, they’re actually telling the truth! It’s not often that someone can say they feel like they are […]

What’s With the Weather?

This past year, there has been much controversy within the Warde community over courses and their GPA weightings for future years. On January 22, 2019, an email was sent out regarding the administration’s plan for GPA weighting changes and course name updates. The message highlights five main themes among comments […]

New GPA and Course Names

This past month, Warde TV featured a story on the new Innovation Lab, a converted computer lab in Fitts House. The idea for the new room came from Dr. Toni Jones, current Superintendent, and is rooted in the “Vision of A Graduate” movement, specifically the “Innovative Learning Initiative,” hence the […]

The Innovation Lab

This year, Warde’s Girls Swimming and Diving team is composed of four divers and over thirty swimmers from every grade. It is an amazing, supportive community, led this year by Head Varsity Coach Amy Radovic and Assistant Varsity Coach Kelsey Barlow. This year, the team experienced a change in the […]

Warde Girls Swim and Dive 2018-2019