Eleanor Jacobs

In this issue of the Focus, the biggest trick of all should have been the fact that the April Fools’ edition has reached publication during the ripe month of May (this is funny. Please laugh). However, it seems that the entire senior class has been clowned in a matter far […]

BLUR: Senior Experience CANCELLED

Some of Warde’s first outside lecturers of the school year visited on October 6th, when Mr. D’Acosta’s first period Global Studies class had the chance to sit down with representatives from the Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation Company’s workers’ union, Teamsters 1150. Composed of workers from the prominent aircraft manufacturer based in […]

Sikorsky, Foreign Service Speakers Visit Warde

November is coming to an end. The temperature is dropping, the sky teases snow, and students wish for nothing more than to curl up fireside with a novel. This season, members of the school community have the chance to grant that opportunity to others, as well: Warde’s DECA chapter is […]

Warde’s DECA Hosts Book Drive

Last Friday, Warde held its annual Activity Fair, during which the school’s various clubs and organizations seized the chance to solicit new members. The courtyard was transformed into a hub for the entirety of Period 3. Club officers and returning members utilized expansive trifolds, speeches by microphone, and handouts to […]

Warde Hosts Annual Activity Fair