
As Warde students emerge from solitude to resume human interaction seven hours a day, five days a week, their pets must return to their solitary confinement. Dedicated Warde student-pet owners are now ripped away from their families, who have become essential aspects to their online school routines. Students went from […]

My dog ate my homework and it’s your fault

The number one celebrity in the country right now is taking practically everybody by storm. With her top charting hits from her new album SOUR, Olivia Rodrigo is conveying her emotions in a heartbreaking, but absolutely incredible manner. However, while many find her music incredibly relatable, how about we hear […]

Dear Olivia Rodrigo…

An overwhelming number of classes have been cancelled these past two weeks, so many that the school can’t hold the displaced students. The lunchroom, small gym, and library have been filled to capacity, leaving only the auditorium as overflow. Students are questioning where their absent teachers are, and why there […]

Shout It From The Rooftops

‘Tis the season. No, not yet of Christmas but of a new generation of drivers. As frantic new drivers take to Fairfield’s streets, there are some rules of the road that are neglected here at Warde: our Hallway Traffic Laws. Alright so maybe the Freshman are new, but no matter […]

Havoc in the Halls

As Warde works to increase security at the school, some notable changes have been implementing new strategies such as limiting school entrances, encouraging students to not let people in through the side doors, and restricting lunch in the lobby. Even with this tremendous progress, the school board is still at […]

New Cafeteria Protocol

This upcoming year, block scheduling will take a new turn in having 24 classes in a single day, for 15 minute periods. The all new scheduling will begin next school year for the fall of 2019. Students will be met with a change of credit for graduation requirements as well. […]

Major Schedule Changes Ahead

The Focus staff has just received word that the Music Department has returned from their trip to Disney World in Orlando, Florida without one of their students. This past month, the Warde Music Department took a trip to Disney, where they performed at three different concerts, did workshops with Disney […]

Warde Student Abducted By Mickey Mouse